The Master Prospector Mindset

First, you have to understand that Network Marketing is all about people. Your primary job is to look for
people who are ready for change, to have a better life condition to the years ahead than what they are experiencing right now.You position yourself to be their “3-D glasses” by helping them see what they’re not seeing. It’s all about “True Intention”. Your main intention is to discover what others need, want or don’t want, so that you can add value to their lives by what you have. Most people are silently begging to be led—it means in order to be in the best position to help people (prospects, team members oranyone else you hope to influence) you must be willing to learn and understand their true needs. People are begging to be led by someone who can show them a better path; someone who has their best interest at heart. One of the very best ways to take the lead is by listening and asking quality questions. The quality of your questions determines the quality of your answers. Quality answers create more clarity. Many people are out of focus. If you can help them focus, they can gain clarity; and clarity creates certainty. Certainty engenders trust, and when people trust they tend to take action.

What do they want? What are they hurting? What are they not getting? In which area of their lives are they not satisfied? Be aware to their needs. Use the F.O.R.M. method (Family, Occupation, Recreation,Message) when proving their needs and in building rapport/trust.

Everything in life is about the value and contribution you provide. You are enriched in direct proportion to the value you bring to your market and your market is people with needs and wants. You have to love your market and be connected with your market. Fall in love with helping people. When prospecting you must make a simple strategy change – and adjustment in focus, from “Me” to “You”. You do this by acquiring the ability to always put the prospect’s need ahead of your own. This strategy will turn your prospects into customers or team members and some of these into friends in life. It will strengthen your passion and connection to everyone with whom you associate.

It is one of the most powerful business, communications and life strategies you can employ. The more
you listen carefully, the better you questions and the more effective prospector you will be.

Put into words how and what you are offering that helps them achieve their goals and solves their problems.Your ability to communicate effectively and influence people in a positive direction is your currency!

Understand that ATTENTION is becoming the scarcest commodity in today’s world, so you have to
reward attention—How do you do this? Give people your attention. LISTEN. Sell solutions that solve
people’s problem. Sell Time and Financial Freedom, Attention, Empathy, Possibility, and Clarity. This is what people are buying. Network Marketing is simple, it’s about creating conversations, developing relationship and helping people. In simple words: Be a friend. Meet their friends. And help them to
“Own their Lives”.

The Two Essential Prospecting Skills:
1. Your ability to Listen
2. Your ability to ask Quality Questions
NOTE: Your objective is education and understanding. Let them decide for themselves.

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